E524 Qualified Noncitizen for at Least Five Years Examples



Manual Section




Calculating total time in a Qualified Noncitizen Status - Examples

1) Customer Has Different Prior Qualified Statuses

A customer applied for Medical Assistance on July 5, 2021. The customer’s current noncitizen status is Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR). He was granted LPR status on November 12, 2019. The customer provides information that he originally entered the U.S. as a Parolee. Documentation in the file from a prior application shows he was granted Parolee status on April 4, 2015. Since the customer was granted the Parolee status more than five years in the past, he has met the 5-year waiting period and can qualify for full AHCCCS MA.


2) Customer had a prior status of battered noncitizen under Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

A customer applied for Medical Assistance on May 4, 2021. She is currently a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) and says she adjusted to that status from Battered Noncitizen. She provides the following documents:


The SAVE response confirms the current LPR status and grant date. However, her earliest qualified status began on January 25, 2016, with the prima facie approval under VAWA. This date is used to determine the customer has had a qualified noncitizen status for more than five years and can qualify for full AHCCCS MA.