1006 Eligibility Review



Revised 08/03/2021


Eligibility review is an important part of the Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) assessment process. An eligibility review is conducted when the final PAS score may not be an accurate reflection of the customer’s need for Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) level of care.

Eligibility reviews are mainly used for PAS assessments that score below the eligibility threshold but are also used in certain situations when the score is above the eligibility threshold.

There are two types of Eligibility Reviews:


1) PAS Analyst Review Consultant (PARC) Review

A PAS Analyst Review Consultant (PARC), reviews PAS assessments that have been reviewed and referred by a Benefits and Eligibility Manager (BEM) in the following situations:


2) Physician Review

A physician consultant reviews the PAS assessment and available medical records, and uses professional judgment to determine whether or not a customer has a developmental disability or a non-psychiatric medical condition that by itself, or in combination with other medical conditions, places the customer at immediate risk of institutionalization.

The physician consultant reviews initial PAS assessments referred after review by a Benefits and Eligibility Manager or PARC, as well as all PAS reassessments that are no longer scoring eligible. After reviewing the PAS for accuracy and completeness, the Benefits and Eligibility Manager will request a physician review in the following circumstances:


The physician consultant reviews and considers the following when determining medical eligibility:


If the physician consultant cannot make the determination from the PAS assessment and the available medical records, the physician consultant may conduct a face-to-face review with the customer or contact others familiar with the customer’s needs, including a primary care physician or other caregiver, to make the determination.

The physician consultant must document the reasons for the determination in the physician review comment section of the PAS assessment.





Physician consultant

A physician who contracts with the Administration to complete eligibility reviews of PAS assessments.

Immediate risk of institutionalization

A need for the level of care typically provided in an institution, like a skilled nursing facility or Intermediate Care Facility.


Legal Authority


Legal Authorities


ARS 36-550

ARS 36-2936(I)

AAC R9-28-303