1008 Applicant/Member Issue Referrals


Revised 08/20/2024


When a PAS Assessor witnesses a situation with an applicant or member that calls for immediate intervention, the Assessor shall do one of the following:


When it appears that a referral to APS or DCS may be appropriate, the Assessor shall discuss the issue with his or her supervisor. In some cases, depending on the severity of the issue, the discussion may occur after the referral has been made. In less urgent situations, the supervisor may contact the AHCCCS Division of Managed Care Operations/Clinical Quality Management (DMCO/CQM) for guidance regarding contacting APS or DCS.

In addition, the Assessor shall notify DMCO/CQM using the online form on the AHCCCS website at https://www.azahcccs.gov/ACMS/default.aspx whenever one of the following is suspected:


When completing the online Quality of Care Received form the Assessor shall indicate the severity status level as follows:






A Customer Issue Referral (CIR) form completed by the Assessor or Benefits and Eligibility Specialist.


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Legal Authorities


42 CFR 483.430