412 SSI Cash



The Social Security Administration determines eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Cash. Persons who are approved for SSI Cash are automatically eligible for AHCCCS Medical Assistance and do not have apply for it separately.





SSI Cash Program

A customer is automatically eligible for Medicaid if he:

  • Is aged, blind or disabled; and

  • Receives SSI Cash from the Social Security Administration (SSA).



Service Package

Customers eligible for the SSI Cash program receive AHCCCS Medical Services (MA302).



Customers approved for coverage under the SSI Cash program are enrolled in an AHCCCS Complete Care (ACC) plan.


Customer Costs

Customers in the SSI Cash program do not pay a premium for AHCCCS Medical Services. However, the customer may have co-payments for certain services (MA1202).


Legal Authority

This requirement applies to the following programs:



Legal Authorities

SSI Cash

Title 42, Chapter 7, Subchapter XIX of the USC

Title 42, Chapter 7, Subchapter XVI of the USC

Title 42, Chapter IV, Part 435 of the CFR

Title 20, Chapter III, Part 416 of the CFR