414 Title IV-E Foster Care and Adoption Subsidy



Revised 07/02/2024


Persons who receive Title IV-E Foster Care or Title IV-E Adoption Subsidies are automatically eligible for AHCCCS Medical Assistance and do not have apply for it separately. For information about the agencies that administer these programs and other programs for children in foster care see MA103.

There are three tribes with an approved Title IV-E program:


To verify adoption subsidy payments, see Verifying DCS Payments.





Title IV-E Foster Care and Adoption Subsidy Program

Program for children who receive foster care maintenance or adoption assistance payments under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act


Service Package

Customers eligible for the Title IV-E foster care and adoption subsidy program receive full AHCCCS Medical Assistance coverage (see MA302 for more details).



Customers approved for coverage under the Title IV-E foster care are enrolled in the Mercy Care Department of Child Safety Comprehensive Health Plan (DCS/CHP).

Customer’s approved for the Adoption Subsidy program are enrolled in an AHCCCS Complete Care (ACC) plan.


Customer Costs

Customers do not pay a premium or co-payments under the Title IV-E foster care and adoption subsidy program. 


Legal Authority

This requirement applies to the following programs:


Legal Authorities

Title VI-E Foster Care and Adoption Subsidy

42 USC 1396 (a)(10)(A)(i)(I)

42 CFR 435.145