510 Employed



Revised 02/27/2024


A person must be employed to qualify for Freedom to Work (FTW).

The customer must:

With the exception of Medically Improved customers, FTW customers do not have to work a minimum number of hours during the month or earn a minimum rate of pay. Medically Improved customers must be earning an amount equal to 40 hours per month at the federal minimum wage. To determine if the customer’s earnings meet this requirement use:

Employed usually means working and receiving earned income during the month. However, the customer does not need to receive earned income during the month to meet this requirement. For example, a customer who works during the month, but will not be paid until the following month, meets the employment requirement.

When the customer stops working, FTW eligibility ends the month after the customer stops working, even when he or she continues to get paychecks in following months.






Medically Improved

The person’s medical condition has improved to the point where he or she no longer meets the DDSA’s definition of disabled; but DDSA determines that the person still has severe impairment (MA509).




Proof of employment includes:

Payment of Social Security and Medicare taxes:

Proof a person is paying taxes includes:

Employment status during an absence:

Proof that a person remains employed between contracts or while on leave includes:


Legal Authority



Legal Authorities

Freedom to Work (FTW)

42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XV) and (XVI)

ARS 36-2950 and ARS 36-2928

AAC R9-22-1918; R9-22-1919; R9-28-1320