P1603 Alternative Format Requests



Manual Section

All programs


The following sections provide procedures for:



1) How to Discuss Alternative Notification Formats

Follow these guidelines when a person requests notifications in an alternative format:


2) New Visual Alternative Format Requests – In-Person

Follow the steps below when a person required to receive eligibility letters who is present at a local office states that he or she has difficulty seeing standard computer-generated letters due to a visual impairment.




Does the customer have a pending application?

  • If YES, skip to step 4.

  • If NO, continue to step 2.


Is the customer actively receiving Medical Assistance, but does not have a pending application?

  • If YES, create a Report a Change for the customer. Select the “Update Alternative Format” option. Skip to step 4.

  • If NO, continue to step 3.


Create an initial application for the customer.


Does the person state that he or she has a visual impairment that causes an inability to see a printed letter at all?

  • If YES, skip to step 9.

  • If NO, continue to step 5.


Explain that one format option is to receive documents in a larger print size. Ask the person if they would like to see a font size card to determine whether they want to receive notices in a larger print.


Would the person like to see a font size card?

  • If YES, present the person with a copy of the “Font Size Card” and ask the person if any of the examples on the card would meet the person’s needs. Continue to step 7.

  • If NO, skip to step 9.


Does the person indicate that one of the font sizes on the “Font Size Card” will meet their need?

  • If YES, continue to step 8.

  • If NO, skip to step 9.


Does the person indicate that size 24-point font will meet their need?

  • If YES, STOP. Select the “Large Print” option for the Alternative Format question in HEAplus. Click “Save” to save the changes to the application. Document the customer’s choice and the date, time, and location of your conversation in case notes. Inform the person that future letters will be sent in the font size the person selected. Finish the conversation with the person (complete the interview, resolve the issue, etc.).

  • If NO, select the “Other” option for the Alternative Format question in HEAplus. Skip to step 11.


Offer the person each of the available alternative format options shown in HEAplus, one at a time.

NOTE     Do not offer the person options that based on the person’s statements are clearly not acceptable to the person. For example, do not offer “Large Print” to a person who states that he or she cannot see printed letters at all.


Will any of the available alternative format options shown in HEAplus meet the person’s need?

  • If YES, select the option the person prefers. 

  • If NO, select the “Other” option. A SAW will review the customer’s needs and provide additional choices.


Click “Save” to save the changes to the application.


Document the customer’s choice and the date, time, and location of your conversation in case notes.

NOTE     If the person requested large-print notices in a font size other than 24-point, document the requested font size.


Finish the conversation with the person. (Complete the interview, resolve the issue, etc.)


Did the customer request a large-print (24-point) font size?

  • If YES, STOP. Inform the person that future letters will be sent in the large-print font size the person selected. Finish the conversation with the person (complete the interview, resolve the issue, etc.).

  • If NO, let the person know that you are going to contact a Special Assistance Worker, who will process their request.


Call the SAW Call Center at 877-450-8593. 


Did a SAW answer your call right away?

  • If YES, let the SAW answering the call know that a person present at the local office has requested to receive their letters in an alternative format. Provide the SAW with the following information:

    • The person’s name and HEAplus Person ID;

    • The customer’s name and HEAplus Person ID, if different from the person’s;

    • The person’s preferred language;

    • The alternative format the person requested; and

    • If the person requested large-print notices in a font size other than 24 -point, the font size the person prefers.

  • If NO, hang up. Send an email to DMS-AlternateFormatRequests@azahcccs.gov. Include all of the information listed above.


Follow any additional instructions provided by the SAW.


3) New Visual Alternative Format Requests – By Telephone

Follow the steps below when a person required to receive eligibility letters who is on the telephone states that he or she has difficulty seeing standard computer-generated letters due to a visual impairment.




Does the customer have a pending application?

  • If YES, skip to step 4.

  • If NO, continue to step 2.


Is the customer actively receiving Medical Assistance, but does not have a pending application?

  • If YES, create a Report a Change for the customer. Select the “Update Alternative Format” option. Skip to step 4.

  • If NO, continue to step 3.


Create an initial application for the customer. Continue to step 4.


Offer the person each of the available alternative format options shown in HEAplus, one at a time.

NOTE     Do not offer the person options that based on the person’s statements are clearly not acceptable to the person. For example, do not offer “Large Print” to a person who states that he or she cannot see printed letters at all.


Will any of the available alternative format options shown in HEAplus meet the person’s need?

  • If YES, select the option the person prefers. Continue to step 6.

  • If NO, select the “Other” option. Continue to step 6.

NOTE     If the person prefers “Large Print”, select “Other” unless the person specifically states that 24-point font will meet their need.


Click “Save” to save the changes to the application.


Document the customer’s choice and the date and time of your conversation in case notes.

NOTE     If the person requested large-print notices in a font size other than 24-point, document the requested font size.


Did the customer request a large-print (24-point) font size?

  • If YES, STOP. Inform the person that future letters will be sent in the large-print font size the person selected. Finish the conversation with the person (complete the interview, resolve the issue, etc.).

  • If NO, let the person know that you are going to contact a Special Assistance Worker, who will process their request.


Place the customer on hold. Call the SAW Call Center at 877-450-8593.


Did a SAW answer your call right away?

  • If YES, let the SAW answering the call know that you have a person on hold that has requested to receive their letters in an alternative format. Provide the SAW with the following information before transferring the call to the SAW:

    • The person’s name and HEAplus Person ID;

    • The customer’s name and HEAplus Person ID, if different from the person’s;

    • The person’s preferred language;

    • The alternative format the person requested; and

    • If the person requested large-print notices in a font size other than 24 point, the font size the person prefers.

  • If NO, disconnect the call and return the customer to the line. Let the customer know that a SAW will contact them directly. Send an email to DMS-AlternateFormatRequests@azahcccs.gov. Include all of the information listed above.


Follow any additional instructions provided by the SAW.


4) New Visual Alternative Format Requests – In Writing

Follow the steps below when a person required to receive eligibility letters states in writing (via mail, email, or fax) that he or she has difficulty seeing standard computer-generated letters due to a visual impairment.




Upload a copy of the written request into HEAplus or DocuWare, as appropriate.


Does the customer have a pending application?

  • If YES, skip to step 5.

  • If NO, continue to step 3.


Is the customer actively receiving Medical Assistance, but does not have a pending application?

  • If YES, create a Report a Change for the customer. Select the “Update Alternative Format” option. Skip to step 5.

  • If NO, continue to step 4.


Create an initial application for the customer. Continue to step 4.


Did the person request a specific type of alternative format?

  • If YES, select the option for the Alternative Format question in HEAplus that matches the person’s request.

  • If NO, select the “Other” option for the Alternative Format question in HEAplus.

NOTE     If the person prefers “Large Print”, select “Other” unless the person specifically states that 24-point font will meet their need.


Click “Save” to save the changes to the application.


Document the customer’s choice in case notes.


Did the customer request a large-print (24-point) font size?

  • If YES, STOP.

  • If NO, call the SAW Call Center at 877-450-8593.


Did a SAW answer your call right away?

  • If YES, let the SAW answering the call know that a person present at the local office has requested to receive their letters in an alternative format. Provide the SAW with the following information:

    • The person’s name and HEAplus Person ID;

    • The customer’s name and HEAplus Person ID, if different from the person’s;

    • The person’s preferred language;

    • The alternative format the person requested; and

    • If the person requested large-print notices in a font size other than 24-point, the font size the person prefers.

  • If NO, hang up. Send an email to DMS-AlternateFormatRequests@azahcccs.gov. Include all of the information listed above.


Follow any additional instructions provided by the SAW.


5) Changing or Ending Visual Alternative Formats

Over time, the accommodation a person needs may change. Follow the instructions below when a person receiving AHCCCS Medical Assistance asks to change their accommodation or requests to receive letters in the standard format.




Would the person like to end their request for an alternative format and receive letters in the standard format?

  • If YES, continue to step 2.

  • If NO, STOP. Process the change as if it were a new accommodation request. Refer to section 2, 3, or 4 above, as appropriate.


Does the customer have a pending application?

  • If YES, skip to step 4.

  • If NO, continue to step 3.


Create a Report a Change for the customer. Select the “Update Alternative Format” option.


Change the answer to the question, “Does this person have a visual impairment that requires an alternative format for printed letters?” from ‘Yes’ to ‘No.’ A popup confirmation will display.


Click “Continue” to close the confirmation box, then “Save” to save the changes to the application.


Document the person’s choice in case notes, including:

  • The date of the request;

  • The time of the request;

  • Whether the request was made from the person, or a representative or guardian on the person’s behalf;

  • The complete name of the person changing the request (if not the member);

  • Whether the request occurred in person or by phone;

  • The stated reason for a change in their request; and

  • The name of the person who received that information if different than the person documenting the note.


Did the customer request a large-print (24-point) font size?

  • If YES, STOP. Inform the person that future letters will be sent in the normal font size.

  • If NO, inform the person that a Special Assistance Worker will contact them to verify that the person no longer wishes to receive letters in an alternative format.