B Verifying Income at Renewal



Manual Section

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In most instances, HEAplus will apply these rules and request proof of income when needed. However, when necessary use the table below to determine if additional proof of income is needed after running the Hub checks.




Is there hub data available for all income sources?

  • If YES, continue to step 2.

  • If NO, STOP. Get proof of income for all incomes with no hub data, or Expenses Exceed Income (EEI) information when there is no income.


Is the current income from the hub below the income limit and there is no change in the income source?

  • If YES, STOP. No further proof is required.

  • If NO, continue to step 3.


 Did the customer have earnings at the last determination, and now has Unemployment Insurance benefits?

  • If YES, STOP. Update the previous income to show “No longer receiving from this source” and verify the factor. No further proof is required.

  • If NO, continue to step 4.


Does the hub check show that the customer is under the limit and the previous hub data showed no income at the last eligibility determination?

  • If YES, STOP. No further proof is required.

  • If NO, continue to step 5.


Does the hub check show that the customer is below the income limit but there is a new income source?

  • If YES, STOP. Get proof of income.

  • If NO, continue to step 6.


Does the hub check show that the customer has income over the limit but had income below the limit or no income at the last determination?

  • If YES, STOP. Get proof of income.

  • If NO, review the prior steps and check with your supervisor. Submit a PCR if you and your supervisor are unsure if you need to request verification.