1303 ALTCS Application Process



Revised 12/10/2024



ALTCS applications are different from other AHCCCS Medical Assistance applications in the following ways:

General information about the application process can be found in MA1301 and MA1302. This section provides information specific to the ALTCS application process.


1) ALTCS Interview

A financial interview is required for all ALTCS applications. The interview may be in person or by telephone.

The interview may be with the customer or with a person acting on behalf of the customer such as a representative (MA1301A.3).

See How to Schedule and Complete the ALTCS Interview for details on the interview process.


2) PAS Assessment

To qualify for ALTCS a customer must be determined to need the level of care provided in a hospital, skilled nursing facility or intermediate care facility. This determination is made through the PAS process.

Chapter 1000 contains a complete description of the PAS process.


3) Estimating the Share of Cost

Most nursing facilities require full payment of all facility expenses prior to ALTCS approval. However, some nursing facilities will allow a patient who has applied for ALTCS to pay the estimated share of cost during the application process.

A Share of Cost Estimate is completed for customers who:

The most accurate information available is used during the application process to calculate the customer’s estimated SOC. This estimate may change once proof of income and deductions is received. The SOC amount can change from month to month based on changes in income, deductions and living arrangements;

The fact that an estimated SOC has been provided is no guarantee that the ALTCS application will be approved. Approval is subject to the customer meeting all financial and medical eligibility requirements. If the application is approved, the approval notice will show the actual SOC amount(s);

The nursing facility may require payment in full pending approval of the ALTCS application. However, if the nursing facility agrees to accept estimated SOC payments pending ALTCS approval, the customer should begin paying the estimated SOC amount to the nursing facility while the ALTCS application is being processed;

If the customer paid the estimated SOC and the actual SOC is lower, the nursing facility will refund the difference for each approved month (MA705J).


4) Customers Not Eligible for ALTCS

A customer may qualify for other AHCCCS MA categories when the customer does not qualify for ALTCS for one of the following reasons:

See Dispositioning SSI MAO, FTW and MSP for ALTCS Applications for details.





Financial Interview

An interview to collect financial information for ALTCS eligibility. Either the customer or the customer’s representative may attend the interview.

Pre-Admission Screening (PAS)

The screening tool and method used to determine whether a customer is medically eligible for the ALTCS program.

Share of Cost Estimate

An estimate of the amount that the customer will be responsible to pay for his or her care under the ALTCS program if approved.


Programs and Legal Authorities


Legal Authorities


42 CFR 435.725

42 CFR 435.907

ARS 36-2933

ARS 36-2934

ARS R9-28-303

AAC R9-28-401.01