410 Pregnant Woman



Revised 12/17/2024


The conditions of eligibility for the Pregnant Woman program are:





Pregnant Women Program

The Pregnant Woman program is for women who are pregnant or in the postpartum period.

Post Partum Period

A 12-month period starting the day the pregnancy ends and stops the last day of the month in the 12th month after the pregnancy ends. Customer must be enrolled in AHCCCS while pregnant to be in the postpartum period as it applies to this group.

See Pregnancy and Postpartum for examples.


Service Package

Customers eligible for the Pregnant Woman program receive full AHCCCS Medical Assistance coverage. Customers who meet all requirements except U.S. citizenship or qualified non-citizen status receive emergency services only.

For a description of AHCCCS Medical Assistance service packages, see MA302.



Customers approved for coverage under the Pregnant Woman program are enrolled in AHCCCS Complete Care (ACC) plan (Chapter 1100).

Emergency Services are paid for by AHCCCS on a fee-for-service basis.


Customer Costs

Customers do not pay a premium or co-payments for coverage under the Pregnant Woman program.


Legal Authority

This requirement applies to the following programs:


Legal Authorities

Pregnant Woman

Title 42, Chapter 7, Subchapter XIX of the USC

Title 42, Chapter IV, Part 435 of the CFR

ARS 36-2901(6)

Title 9, Chapter 22, Article 14 of the AAC