413 Supplemental Security Income Medical Assistance Only (SSI MAO)



Revised 12/17/2024


The general conditions of eligibility for the Supplemental Security Income Medical Assistance Only (SSI MAO) program are:

Specialty Categories

In addition to the general conditions of eligibility listed above, a customer may be eligible for SSI MAO under one of the following categories:


1) Disabled Adult Child (DAC)

To qualify under this category, a customer must also meet the following:


2) Disabled Widow/Widower (DWW)

To qualify under this category, a customer must also meet the following:


3) Pickle

To qualify under this category, a customer must also meet the following:





State Supplementary Payments (SSP)

Payments made by a state to supplement SSI Cash benefits.

Arizona does not have an SSP program, but the person may have received the payment in another state.


Service Package

Customers who meet all requirements for the SSI MAO program receive full AHCCCS Medical Assistance coverage.

Customers who meet all requirements except U.S. citizenship or qualified noncitizen status receive emergency services only.

For a description of the AHCCCS Medical Assistance service packages, see MA302.



AHCCCS enrolls customers approved for coverage under the SSI MAO program in an AHCCCS Health Plan (MA1102).

AHCCCS pays for Emergency Services on a fee-for-service basis (MA1103).


Customer Costs

Customers do not pay a premium for coverage under the SSI MAO program. However, the customer may have co-payments for certain services (MA1202A).


Legal Authority

This requirement applies to the following programs:


Legal Authorities


42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(I)
42 CFR 435.201
42 CFR 435.210
ARS 36-2901(6)(a)
AAC R9-22-1501 to 1505

Disabled Adult Child (DAC)

Disabled Widow or Widower (DWW)

42 USC 1383c
42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(I)
42 CFR 435.138 (DWW)
ARS 36-2901(6)(a)
AAC R9-22-1505


42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(I)
42 CFR 435.135
ARS 36-2901(6)(a)
AAC R9-22-1505