402 Freedom to Work (FTW)



Revised 12/17/2024


The conditions of eligibility for the AHCCCS Freedom to Work program are:





Freedom to Work (FTW) Program

The FTW program is for people with disabilities who are working. 

There are two FTW coverage groups:

  • The Basic Coverage Group; and

  • The Medically Improved Group.

Medically Improved Coverage Group

Means customers who meet all the following conditions:

  • Employed;

  • While receiving benefits under the FTW Basic Coverage Group was determined by SSA to no longer have a disability; and

  • Determined by SSA to still have a severe impairment


Service Package

Customers eligible for AHCCCS Freedom to Work program receive AHCCCS Medical Services.

Customers can receive an ALTCS services package. Customers may be eligible for an ALTCS service package if they:



Customers approved for coverage under AHCCCS Freedom to Work are enrolled with:


Customer Costs

Customers who qualify for AHCCCS Medical Services or ALTCS services under a FTW coverage group may have to pay a:

Customers who pay a premium may have co-payments for certain services (MA1202).


Legal Authority


This requirement applies to the following programs:


Legal Authorities

Freedom to Work

42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XV)

42 USC 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XVI)

ARS 36-2929

ARS 36-2950

AAC R9-22-1901 through R9-22-1904

AAC R9-22-1919